söndag 1 november 2009

När verkligheten inkräktar på fiktionen (Javier Marías)

Baksidestext Dark Back of Time:

"When Javier Marías wrote All Souls he was unprepared for the way in which reality would begin to invade his fiction. Real people mistook themselves for his fictional characters and readers confused him with his narrator. In Dark Back of Time, Marías used the unsettling effects of All Souls on his life to begin an extraordinary meditation on the transience, chance and fragility of life, and the way in which reality so easily blurs into fiction."

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej Jan! Så ambitiös du är! Kanske du skulle bli en literary critic?! Tycker att du har sammanfattat Alla själar på ett bra sätt. Kopplingar finns senare, och vidare, också till Tu rostro mañana (på eng. Your face tomorrow: Fever and spear), första delen i en precis avslutad trilogi. Hälsningar Peter
